Jade Chan

Jade Chan is a native Portlander who remembers when Lloyd Center was an open mall, the Pearl consisted of warehouses, card catalog drawers ringed the second-floor lobby of the Central Library, and traffic jams were rare. A freelance editor and a mom of two, she enjoys sharing her love for the arts and her (ever-changing) hometown with her family.

“Frozen”: The Ideal First Broadway Show for Young Theatergoers

Last week, when the country—and the state—were heading into a time of uncertainty amid rising concerns around COVID-19 (aka the novel coronavirus), my daughter and I spent two hours in Arendelle and lost ourselves in the story of two sisters facing the biggest challenge in their lives. It was escapism at its best, and it

“Frozen”: The Ideal First Broadway Show for Young Theatergoers Read More »

REVIEW: "Matilda the Musical" — This Mommy Thinks It’s a Miracle

Stop reading right now and get your tickets to Matilda the Musical (if you don’t have them already). All set? Good. Now you and the kids in your life can eagerly anticipate experiencing one of the best productions I’ve seen at Northwest Children’s Theater. Staging a Tony-award-winning musical is not for the faint of heart,

REVIEW: "Matilda the Musical" — This Mommy Thinks It’s a Miracle Read More »

Diary of a Worm, a Spider, and a Fly: A Fun and Fact-Filled Glimpse into the Bug World

Do you ever wonder what bugs are thinking as they go about their business every day? How do spiders feel when they hear the roar of the vacuum cleaner? Do flies want a place of their own, away from their many brothers and sisters? Do worms feel like they measure up to their winged and

Diary of a Worm, a Spider, and a Fly: A Fun and Fact-Filled Glimpse into the Bug World Read More »

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