Navigating the Calendar Events Guide

Check out this short video to help navigate the new calendar system

Here are some additional tips for filtering the new calendar. (Please note, this guide was made using a Mac computer)

To change the appearance of your calendar, move your curser over the tab that says "agenda." A list will open up and you will have the option of choosing between agenda, day, month, week, posterboard or stream. Each options provides a unique view of calendar events.

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After you have chosen the view you prefer you can begin to narrow down the types of events that are shown on your calendar. If you are only interested in music events than you can move your curser over the "Categories" tab and a list will open with category options. By clicking on music, only events put into the music category will show up. You can narrow your events further by adding more filters.

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By choosing to just look at music events in NE Portland your options have continued to narrow. Adding more filters will continue to narrow your calendar and help find events of interest. The calendar you view can be as varied are specific as you wish.

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Viewers may notice that events show up in different colors under certain view options,these colors correspond to specific categories and are used for visual organization only. For instance, if you look at the calendar image below, you will notice that the titles of events show up in blue, green, yellow, orange and etc and that types of events are grouped by these colors.

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If using a mobile device, the calendar works the same way by using filters to narrow the events that appear on the viewer's calendar. By tap the button with your finger or wand, it will give a list of options to choose from to filter your events. Viewers have the option to narrow the calendar down as little or as much as they would like.

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